Apps: What are engineering students using?

A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in the fall of 2016 reports that 80% of US adults with some college and 89% of US college graduate own a smartphone.   (Pew Research Center, January 11, 2017).  Not surprising as the smartphone is the go-to for recent news, connecting with friends and family, and learning new things.  We know that smartphones are popular with the college population but how are college students using them in support of their study, in particular engineering students?

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MathSciNet is the premier index and reviews database for mathematics and related literature. It contains and continues from Mathematical Reviews (print), published from 1940 to 2012.  Produced by the American Mathematical Society, MathSciNet is international in scope, covering over 1800 current journals with more than 3.3 million publications ranging from 1810 to the current day.  Over 20,000 expert reviewers produce more than 80,000 reviews each year for MathSciNet.  These add tremendous value to the more than 100,000 new citations added annually.

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