National Minerals Information Center

While much of it is often hidden from view, our modern society depends heavily on a wide range of minerals and materials. Advanced technologies in particular may rely on rare earth elements or on other more abundant minerals that are only found in certain key deposits scattered around the world. This fact and the global nature of the trade thus required can lead to significant … Continue reading National Minerals Information Center

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

The book The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History by Elizabeth Kolbert reviews the five previous mass extinction events on Earth and warns that we are currently faced with another, this time driven largely by man-made causes. Providing members of the public, conservation organizations, and government officials with reliable information and generating awareness about those species in danger of potential extinction is one step in countering … Continue reading IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Geologic Guidebooks of North America Database

Geologic field trip guidebooks provide unique kinds of data not readily available from other sources. They often feature detailed coverage on the geology of a specific locale or region. In addition to including geologic maps and stratigraphic columns that convey the scientific details, other geographic information such as road maps and a distance log is generally included to facilitate locating key outcrops or other geologic … Continue reading Geologic Guidebooks of North America Database