Incorporating ChatGPT in Information Literacy Activities and Assignments

Given that students at different educational levels are discovering ChatGPT and its functionalities, it is beneficial to demonstrate how to utilize this tool to enhance their learning.

For instance, ChatGPT can be a useful tool when teaching information literacy to support students’ learning and development of research skills. Here are some ways in which ChatGPT can be used in the classroom:

1. Reverse research: One approach to research that can be utilized is reverse research, which involves prompting students to generate a research topic and utilize ChatGPT to respond to it. Afterwards, students should be instructed to verify the accuracy of the information and assertions presented by ChatGPT by locating credible sources to evaluate it

2. Generating research topics: ChatGPT can help students generate research topics and refine their research questions by providing suggestions and feedback.

3. Identifying keywords for a research topic: ChatGPT can be a helpful tool to identify keywords for a research topic that can be used in a search strategy.

4 .Demonstrating search strategies: ChatGPT can demonstrate effective search strategies by providing examples of how to use keywords and Boolean operators to narrow down search results.

5. Providing examples: ChatGPT can provide examples of research papers or articles, helping students to better understand what is expected of them.

6. Verifying research paper examples: Students can evaluate the sources that ChatGPT prompt returns for credibility, accuracy, authority, and relevance.

7. Offering feedback: Students can submit their work to ChatGPT for feedback on their writing.

8. Facilitating discussions: ChatGPT can be used to facilitate class discussions by providing additional information and perspectives on topics covered in class.

Overall, there are many ways to incorporate ChatGPT in the classroom by introducing its functionalities and enhancing student engagement. In the examples provided, ChatGPT can be a valuable resource when teaching information literacy to support students’ learning and development of research skills while also learning how to use the tool in an ethical way.

Sanja Gidakovic, STEM Liaison Librarian / Assistant Instructor in Library Services at University of Central Missouri

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